
Created: August 27, 2014  |  Last Updated: July 9, 2020  |  Category:   |  Tagged:

WASHINGTON, Pa. (Aug. 27, 2014)—More than 400 students will become the newest members of the Washington & Jefferson College (W&J)社区在其一年一度的入学典礼8月. 27 at 3 p.m.

First-year students, including freshmen, 转学和国际交换生, 会受到米歇尔·安德森的欢迎吗, W&J’s Director of Financial Aid and interim Vice President for Enrollment. At the ceremony, 新同学将被介绍, 签署学院的使命宣言, and receive a W&J领别针,表明他们是W大学录取的杰出学者群体的终身会员&J. As is tradition, during the recessional, students will walk over the W&我在旧大厅的地板上盖章.

总裁Tori Haring-Smith博士.D.欢迎学生们的到来,鼓励他们努力学习,充分利用在W的时间&J.

“Your education will grow in value the more effort that you put into it. We will provide you with a dedicated faculty who want you to succeed, 支持服务,旨在帮助和挑战你, 一个信息和思想的世界在你的指尖,哈林-史密斯在去年的毕业典礼上对学生们说. “The College will let you know what you need to do to master a subject or a skill. But you must get engaged and work hard in order to achieve that mastery yourself. 是的,你会收到一份教学大纲,上面有阅读作业、论文截止日期和考试日期. 但是你必须去做这些工作.”

During the ceremony, the bell in Old Main will ring for what is normally the only time throughout the year.

W的第一天上课&J is Sept. 1. 全校野餐将于下午5:15开始.m. 你可以在 http://nte.tsuki-no-akari.com/live


About Washington & Jefferson College

Washington & 杰斐逊学院位于宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿., is a national liberal arts and sciences college founded in 1781. 致力于为每一位学生提供最高质量的本科教育, W&J提供传统的文科和理科课程,强调跨学科研究和独立的学生工作.

欲了解更多关于W&J, visit nte.tsuki-no-akari.com, or call 888-926-3529.